Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Python Events Calendars - Please submit your 2014 events


As some of you may know, the PSF has put together a team of volunteers who are maintaining a central Python events calendar. We currently have two calendars in place:
  • Python Events Calendar - meant for conferences and larger gatherings focusing on Python or a related technology (in whole or in part)
  • Python User Group Calendar - meant for user group events and other smaller local events
The calendars are displayed on http://pycon.org/ and in a smaller version in the sidebar of the http://python.org/ website.

You can subscribe to the calendars using iCal and RSS feeds and also embed the calendar widgets on your sites. Please see our wiki page for details:


The calendars are open to the world-wide Python community, so you can have local user group events, as well as regional and international conference events added to the calendars.


Created in Oct 2012, the project has proven to be a success as you can see in the past events listed in the calendars.

We would like to encourage everyone to submit their 2014 events, so that the Python community can get a better overview over what's happening in Python land.

Adding Events

If you want to have entries added to those calendars, please write to events@python.org and include the following information:
  • Name of the event
  • Type of the event (conference, bar camp, user group, etc)
  • Focus on Python and approximate size
  • URL
  • Location and country
  • Date and time (if relevant)
For recurring events, please also include a description of the recurrence in a way that's compatible and supported by Google calendars.

PS: Please help spread the word about the calendars - we'll all benefit from knowing more about Python events happening around the world. Feel free to forward this posting to your local user groups and conference teams. Thanks.