The PSF is looking for information about successful uses of Python in order to create an updated list of success stories and find organizations that might be interested in sponsoring activities for the community. If you know of a company that uses Python for any purpose, please take a few minutes to answer the questions on our short survey. You don't have to work at an organization to tell us about how they use Python! Don't worry about duplicates, either, we'll take care of them once we have all of the data collected.
The answers to this survey will be kept private. If you still don't want to identify yourself, no problem! We just want to know where Python is being used, so responding still helps us out.
If (and only if) you decide to include contact information and you give the PSF permission, we may use the contacts provided to find sponsors for the PSF and Python-related events (PyCon, EuroPython, DjangoCon, etc).
Individual answers from this survey will never be published.