As the pandemic hit and PyCon US 2020 in Pittsburgh was cancelled, we had to shift our strategic plan and so much more. The PSF quickly had to reassess its programs, plans, and rebuild.
But we've had our fill of bad news! Instead of highlighting the negative impacts of 2020 (we touch on that here), let's take a look at all the positivity we witnessed and experienced within the Python community throughout 2020.
- Our community supported the PSF through PyCon 2020's cancellation by helping us raise more than $500,000 in donations from event sponsors and registrants when we announced the cancellation.
- Our staff reacted quickly to provide as much content as possible in lieu of the in-person event, online. Talks and tutorials are all available!
- The PSF board and staff focused on geographical diversity amongst the board and members, which eventually led to the creation of the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group. Board members released an update on additional work at the end of December.
- The PSF approved a Funding Work Group to help our community seek out external grants for their own projects.
- Even though the PSF had to pause its international Grants Program over the summer, it was re-launched in September!
- pip 20.3 was released, which features the new dependency revolver. This work was funded through grants the PSF received from MOSS and CZI.
- The Python core developers and PSF worked together to bring the first ever Python Virtual Core Developer Sprints and Language Summit. Read about the Sprints here and there are several articles published about the Summit here!
- Implementation of The Update Framework is underway for PyPI to help secure downloads for users thanks to Facebook Research. Our publicly auditable key generation ceremony was performed at the end of October.
- PyCon US 2021 was announced and it will be held virtually! Call for proposals is open until February 12, 2021.
- The PSF launched a new sponsorship program to offer impactful benefits to sponsors and bring in funding for PyPI and core Python maintenance/improvements.
- The PSF hosted an end-of-the-year fundraiser, which was extremely successful. As of Jan 12, it brought in $130,000!
- The Python Software Foundation Meetup Pro Network grew to include 83 groups and over 120,000 members.
- Our membership grew! Over two dozen Fellow members were voted in, 159 contributing/managing members self-certified, 184 new supporting members signed up!
- The PSF awarded Community Service Awards to 6 amazing volunteers (two more will be announced this month for Q4!)
Our staff and volunteers have their work cut out for them in 2021. In addition to hiring a Director of Resource Development, we will be hiring a Developer-in-Residence to assist core development (expect an announcement soon!), and we will be forming a Community Leadership Council. Thank you to all volunteers, donors, and sponsors for allowing us to continue our work.
We wish everyone a very healthy and happy 2021!