Friday, February 26, 2021

Python Software Foundation Fellow Members for Q4 2020

 It's that time of year! Let us welcome the new PSF Fellows for Q4! The following people continue to do amazing things for the Python community:

Batuhan Taskaya

Elaine Wong

Fiorella De Luca

Nicole Harris

Pablo Rivera

Philip James

Twitter, GitHub, Website

Thank you for your continued contributions. We have added you to our Fellow roster online.

The above members help support the Python ecosystem by contributing to CPython, contributing to the PyLadies community, maintaining Python libraries, creating educational material, improving UX/UI for our infrastructure, organizing Python events and conferences, starting Python communities in local regions, and overall being great mentors in our community. Each of them continues to help make Python more accessible around the world. To learn more about the new Fellow members, check out their links above.

Let's continue to recognize Pythonistas all over the world for their impact on our community. The criteria for Fellow members is available online: If you would like to nominate someone to be a PSF Fellow, please send a description of their Python accomplishments and their email address to psf-fellow at We are accepting nominations for quarter 2 through May 20, 2021 (Q1 cut-off has already passed!).

Work Group Needs Members

The Fellow Work Group is looking for more members from all around the world! If you are a PSF Fellow and would like to help review nominations, please email us at psf-fellow at More information is available at:

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Python Developers Survey 2020 Results: Learn about the Community

We are excited to share the results of the fourth official Python Developers Survey conducted by the Python Software Foundation with the help of JetBrains.

More than 28,000 Python users from almost 200 countries took part in the survey this past October. With the help of the data collected, we are able to present the summarized results, identify the latest trends, and create a Python developer profile.

View the results of Python Developers Survey 2020!

The survey results cover a broad list of topics, including the main purposes of Python usage, the most popular frameworks, libraries, tools, and languages, among many other insights.

In all likelihood, there are plenty of potential findings that were not included in the report. If you have specific questions that are unanswered, send them to us and we’ll dig into the data for additional analysis. You also have the opportunity to delve deeper into the raw survey data and uncover your own amazing facts.

We’ll be glad to learn about your findings! Please share them on Twitter or other social media, mentioning @jetbrains‏ and @ThePSF with the #pythondevsurvey hashtag. We’re also very open to any suggestions and feedback related to this survey which could help us run an even better one next time. Feel free to open issues here with any comments or questions.

Many thanks to everyone who participated in the survey and helped us map an accurate landscape of the Python world!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Welcoming Google as a Visionary Sponsor of the PSF

Our top sponsors—companies who step forward to make the biggest investment in Python and its community—not only use Python for their own internal development, but also offer Python as a crucial part of the products they offer to their own customers. That is certainly true of Google, the Python Software Foundation’s first Visionary Sponsor.

Google's donations and sponsorship funds will be used to support a number of PSF initiatives, including the first CPython Developer in Residence. The Python Steering Council and Python Software Foundation will work together to contract a developer to help CPython determine what needs to take priority through analytical metrics as well as helping CPython understand how backlog can be addressed. The role will also be responsible for surveying maintainers to paint a better landscape of CPython, which will be used to ensure future funding and volunteer hours are used efficiently and effectively.

In addition, the sponsorship funds will also be used towards critical supply-chain security improvements, including developing productized malware detection for PyPI, a prototype of dynamic analysis infrastructure for distributions, and other foundational tool improvements. 

Google has been a Python Software Foundation sponsor since 2010. Our hearts are full of gratitude for their support. You can read more about how Google is supporting the Python ecosystem on their blog.

Monday, February 08, 2021

Jesse Noller is awarded the PSF's Distinguished Service Award

 On January 27, 2021 the Python Software Foundation awarded the Distinguished Service Award to Jesse Noller:

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation award the 2021 Distinguished Service Award to Jesse Noller for his significant contributions to Python as a core developer, PyCon US Chair, and PSF board member.

Jesse Noller has had an essential role in the growth of the Python community. His influence on the Python community spanned contributions to the language itself, transforming PyCon US, and strengthening the Python Software Foundation, and these contributions laid the groundwork for so much of our success in the years following his contribution.

As a Python core developer, he was responsible for the addition of multiprocessing to the Python Standard Library, making parallel execution of Python code easily accessible to Python developers for the first time.

He championed the Python Software Foundation’s transformation from an invitation-based organization to one with an open membership model. This created an environment where the Foundation’s membership and Board could become representative of the entire Python community, not just of a select few.

Building upon the Foundation’s Diversity statement, he guided the Foundation to adopt its first Code of Conduct, setting the Foundation on a path where all members of the Python community could thrive.

He stewarded PyCon US through its 2012 and 2013 rotation, and continued as  sponsor liaison for 2014, transforming the event from a volunteer-operated event to one with an operations staff and more than double the attendance. This helped turn PyCon US into a revenue source that could fund the Foundation’s growth and increase its outreach. Remarkably, he achieved this transformation without diminishing the conference’s community focus.

Through the transformation of PyCon US, Jesse was able to lead the Foundation to make meaningful financial commitments to support the core infrastructure   Python developers use every day.

While individually any of these contributions are worthy of recognition,  Jesse’s contributions all served to enable more people to meaningfully participate in Python: through creating space for more people to participate in the Python Software Foundation, for more people to attend PyCon US and learn from the community’s leaders, and for more people to benefit from a financially resilient Foundation.

Jesse’s past contributions transformed the Python community and its institutions, and are felt to this day. We are truly grateful for his service.

To recognize this lasting legacy on the Python community, the Python Software Foundation awards Jesse Noller the Distinguished Service Award.

Written by: Christopher Neugebauer with input from other directors and staff!