Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The 2022 Python Language Summit: Lightning talks

These were a series of short talks, each lasting around five minutes.

Read the rest of the 2022 Python Language Summit coverage here.

Lazy imports, with Carl Meyer

Carl Meyer, an engineer at Instagram, presented on a proposal that has since blossomed into PEP 690: lazy imports, a feature that has already been implemented in Cinder, Instagram’s performance-optimised fork of CPython 3.8.

What’s a lazy import? Meyer explained that the core difference with lazy imports is that the import does not happen until the imported object is referenced.


In the following Python module,, with lazy imports activated, the module eggs would never in fact be imported since eggs is never referenced after the import:

# import sys import eggs def main(): print("Doing some spammy things.") sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

And in this Python module,, with lazy imports activated, the function bacon_function is imported – but only right at the end of the script, after we’ve completed a for-loop that’s taken a very long time to finish:

import sys
import time
from bacon import bacon_function def main(): for _ in range(1_000_000_000): print('Doing hammy things') time.sleep(1) bacon_function()
sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

Meyer revealed that the Instagram team’s work on lazy imports had resulted in startup time improvements of up to 70%, memory usage improvements of up to 40%, and the elimination of almost all import cycles within their code base. (This last point will be music to the ears of anybody who has worked on a Python project larger than a few modules.)


Meyer also laid out a number of costs to having lazy imports. Lazy imports create the risk that ImportError (or any other error resulting from an unsuccessful import) could potentially be raised… anywhere. Import side effects could also become “even less predictable than they already weren’t”.

Lastly, Meyer noted, “If you’re not careful, your code might implicitly start to require it”. In other words, you might unexpectedly reach a stage where – because your code has been using lazy imports – it now no longer runs without the feature enabled, because your code base has become a huge, tangled mess of cyclic imports.

Where next for lazy imports?

Python users who have opinions either for or against the proposal are encouraged to join the discussion on

Python-Dev versus Discourse, with Thomas Wouters

This was less of a talk, and more of an announcement.

Historically, if somebody wanted to make a significant change to CPython, they were required to post on the python-dev mailing list. The Steering Council now views the alternative venue for discussion,, to be a superior forum in many respects.

Thomas Wouters, Core Developer and Steering Council member, said that the Steering Council was planning on loosening the requirements, stated in several places, that emails had to be sent to python-dev in order to make certain changes. Instead, they were hoping that would become the authoritative discussion forum in the years to come.

Asks from Pyston, with Kevin Modzelewski

Kevin Modzelewski, core developer of the Pyston project, gave a short presentation on ways forward for CPython optimisations. Pyston is a performance-oriented fork of CPython 3.8.12.

Modzelewski argued that CPython needed better benchmarks; the existing benchmarks on pyperformance were “not great”. Modzelewski also warned that his “unsubstantiated hunch” was that the Faster CPython team had already accomplished “greater than one-half” of the optimisations that could be achieved within the current constraints. Modzelewski encouraged the attendees to consider future optimisations that might cause backwards-incompatible behaviour changes.

Core Development and the PSF, with Thomas Wouters

This was another short announcement from Thomas Wouters on behalf of the Steering Council. After sponsorship from Google providing funding for the first ever CPython Developer-In-Residence (Łukasz Langa), Meta has provided sponsorship for a second year. The Steering Council also now has sufficient funds to hire a second Developer-In-Residence – and attendees were notified that they were open to the idea of hiring somebody who was not currently a core developer.

“Forward classes”, with Larry Hastings

Larry Hastings, CPython core developer, gave a brief presentation on a proposal he had sent round to the python-dev mailing list in recent days: a “forward class” declaration that would avoid all issues with two competing typing PEPs: PEP 563 and PEP 649. In brief, the proposed syntax would look something like this:

forward class X() continue class X: # class body goes here def __init__(self, key): self.key = key

In theory, according to Hastings, this syntax could avoid issues around runtime evaluation of annotations that have plagued PEP 563, while also circumventing many of the edge cases that unexpectedly fail in a world where PEP 649 is implemented.

The idea was in its early stages, and reaction to the proposal was mixed. The next day, at the Typing Summit, there was more enthusiasm voiced for a plan laid out by Carl Meyer for a tweaked version of Hastings’s earlier attempt at solving this problem: PEP 649.

Better fields access, with Samuel Colvin

Samuel Colvin, maintainer of the Pydantic library, gave a short presentation on a proposal (recently discussed on to reduce name clashes between field names in a subclass, and method names in a base class.

The problem is simple. Suppose you’re a maintainer of a library, whatever_library. You release Version 1 of your library, and one user start to use your library to make classes like the following:

from whatever_library import BaseModel class Farmer(BaseModel): name: str fields: list[str]

Both the user and the maintainer are happy, until the maintainer releases Version 2 of the library. Version 2 adds a method, .fields() to BaseModel, which will print out all the field names of a subclass. But this creates a name clash with your user’s existing code, wich has fields as the name of an instance attribute rather than a method.

Colvin briefly sketched out an idea for a new way of looking up names that would make it unambiguous whether the name being accessed was a method or attribute.

class Farmer(BaseModel): $name: str $fields: list[str] farmer = Farmer(name='Jones', fields=['meadow', 'highlands']) print(farmer.$fields) # -> ['meadow', 'highlands'] print(farmer.fields()) # -> ['name', 'fields']