Thursday, September 05, 2024

Pallets projects added to scope of PSF CVE Numbering Authority

Last year the Python Software Foundation was announced as a CVE Numbering Authority (CNA) to manage and assign CVE IDs for CPython and pip. Becoming a CVE Numbering Authority allows the PSF to provide expertise about Python in the CVE ecosystem, ensuring that users have accurate and up-to-date information about vulnerabilities affecting key projects.

Today, the PSF is expanding our CNA scope to also include Pallets projects, such as Flask, Jinja, Click, and Quart. For a complete list, see the Pallets organization on GitHub. Please report any security vulnerabilities for these projects following the Pallets security policy.
This work is being done to learn how the PSF can better serve Python's large ecosystem of projects in the context of the CVE ecosystem. The PSF previously published a guide on how open source projects can become their own CVE Numbering Authorities. You can learn more about the CVE CNA program on the CVE website.

Pallets is a fiscal sponsoree of the Python Software Foundation. Fiscal sponsorship is a key plank of the PSF’s mission in supporting the Python community. The PSF supports 20 fiscal sponsorees including regional PyCons, Python Meetup and User Groups, and Python projects. Learn more about our Fiscal Sponsorees on our website and consider supporting the groups with a US-tax deductible donation.