Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Security Developer-in-Residence role extended thanks to Alpha-Omega

We are excited to announce the continuation of Seth Larson’s work in the Security Developer-in-Residence role through the end of 2024 thanks to continued support from Alpha-Omega. (This six month extension is intended to align the renewal period for this role with the calendar year going forward).

The first year of the Security Developer-in-Residence initiative has been a success, seeing multiple improvements to the Python ecosystem's security posture. These improvements include authorizing the PSF as a CVE Numbering Authority, migrating the CPython release process to an isolated hosted build platform, and generating comprehensive Software Bill-of-Materials documents for CPython artifacts.

Open source software security continues to evolve, this year saw new regulations for software security like the EU Cyber Resiliency Act (CRA) and evolving threats to open source like the backdoor of xz-utils.

The PSF is looking forward to continuing our investment in the security of the Python ecosystem and everyone who depends on Python software. For the remainder of 2024, priorities for Security Developer-in-Residence role include:

  • Formalization of the Python Security Response Team (PSRT) and processes for handling vulnerability reports and fixes.
  • Developing a strategy for Software Bill-of-Materials documents and Python packages.
  • Completing the migration of the CPython release process and generation of SBOM documents for the macOS installer.
  • Continued engagement with the Python community promoting security best-practices and standards.

For updates on these and other projects, check out Seth’s blog.

The PSF is a non-profit whose mission is to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers. The PSF supports the Python community using corporate sponsorships, grants, and donations. Are you interested in sponsoring or donating to the PSF so it can continue supporting Python and its community? Check out our sponsorship program, donate directly here, or contact our team!