Thursday, March 03, 2022

We are hiring to expand our Infrastructure staff!

On behalf of the Python Software Foundation, and with much excitement as the hiring manager, I am elated to announce that we are hiring for a full-time position to double the PSF staff dedicated to our Infrastructure... from one to two.

The job listing is live on the, and you can find details about the position there. But I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about what fulfilling it will mean for the PSF as an organization and the Python community at large.

This year will mark four years since I joined the PSF full-time as Director of Infrastructure after many years volunteering to support the infrastructure. I hope that the impact I have had in this time on stability and availability has been noticed, but must admit that the breadth of concerns has been limiting to our ability to be effective in improvements and expansion.

With the addition of a new member of the team I look forward to the opportunity for us to increasingly move the infrastructure forward, provide new features and services to the community, and better fulfill our mission. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was excited to more easily take time off as well.

As I look forward to some of the exciting things in store for PyPI and consider the opportunities for the PSF Infrastructure to serve more of the community in more ways, I can't wait to work with you now or maybe next time we hire to expand this team.